Thursday 19 May 2011

JobSeeking goal

I've no idea where had my first entry gone. Well, the whole new blog I've just created on my 1st attempt to become a blogger just vanished. I created them last week and start posting my 1st entry straight away. Today, as an attempt to write my 2nd, it was no longer there to manage. I still remember the title of the 1st entry in that archiCheeky blog; ''There'll always be a first time''. I feel frustrated because I'm not going to be able to spill what I've wrote again n that entry because....owh...because it's been a while I guess? Does it mean I have to post entry everyday to keep my blog 'alive' at some point? What the heck? It's only a week? Well, there's no point whining & I'm going to stop it right now before anyone got;p

So, ladies & gentlemen, here we are in my second blog called archiCheekyChic. lol ;p I have no idea why I named it like that but that's just me being cheeky. This coming July shall marked my 1 year of finding architectural job after my summer graduation last year. I found a website where I can put up my portfolio  and CV. I even have a linkedIn but nothing works. However, I feel that I am not determined enough to look for a job that suits my qualification so there's no one else to blame. Perhaps setting up this blog shall land me any jobs? *wink* Wish me luck then.

The next thing should be in my to do list shall be going to Hays recruitment agency in Portland Street to see how can they help. Or, shall I say how I can help myself out from this 'comfortable' cocoon I had since I became a graduate.

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